Peugeot 406

since 1996 release

Repair and operation of the car

Peugeot 406
+ 1. Maintenance instruction
+ 2. Maintenance
- 3. Engine
   - 3.1. Petrol engines
      3.1.1. Technical data
      3.1.2. Check of pressure of compression
      3.1.3. Installation of the mechanism of gas distribution
      3.1.4. Cover of a head of the block of cylinders
      3.1.5. Pulley of a bent shaft
      3.1.6. Casing of a gear belt
      3.1.7. Gear belt
      3.1.8. Mechanism of a tension of a gear belt and pulleys
      3.1.9. Replacement of a sealing ring of a cam-shaft
      3.1.10. Cam-shaft and pushers
      3.1.11. Check and adjustment of gaps of valves of engines 1.6 liters
      3.1.12. Head of the block of cylinders
      3.1.13. Oil pallet
      3.1.14. Oil pump
      3.1.15. Oil heater
      3.1.16. Replacement of consolidations of a bent shaft
      3.1.17. Flywheel
      3.1.18. Suspension bracket of the power unit
   + 3.2. Diesel engines
   + 3.3. Repair of the engine
+ 4. Cooling systems, heating and ventilation
+ 5. Fuel system
+ 6. System of ignition
+ 7. Coupling
+ 8. Transmissions
+ 9. Power shafts
+ 10. Brake system
+ 11. Suspension bracket and steering
+ 12. Body
+ 13. Electric equipment
+ 14. Main malfunctions


3.1.7. Gear belt



The correct tension of a gear belt requires use of the special electronic tool (SEEM C105.5). If the tension of a belt is made without this tool, then it is not necessary to make trips on long distances and to operate the engine on high turns. At the first opportunity adjust a belt tension at the Peugeot station.

The gear belt puts a cam-shaft and the pump of the cooling system in action and is put in action by the pulley located on the forward end of the crankshaft. In case of a rupture of a belt during the operation of the engine impact of pistons with valves is probable that leads to serious damage of the engine.

Replacement of a gear belt has to be made after the certain run or earlier if on it oil got or there is its uneven wear.

If the gear belt is removed, it is necessary to check a condition of the pump of the cooling system and its tightness.


Models of the engine with a capacity of 1.6 liters
1. Disconnect the negative plug from the accumulator.
2. Lift a forward part of the car and remove the right forward wheel. Unscrew a bolt of fastening of a mudguard.
3. Take off an auxiliary driving belt. Unscrew a bolt and remove the mechanism of a tension of a driving belt.
4. Unscrew a bolt and remove the top casing of a gear belt.
5. Turn the crankshaft before combination of adjusting openings in pulleys of distributive and cranked shaft and record them in this situation cores.
6. Remove a pulley of an auxiliary driving belt from a bent shaft.
7. Remove the central and lower casings of a gear belt.
8. Weaken a bolt of fastening of a pulley of the mechanism of a tension of a gear belt. Using the corresponding key of square section established in an opening in a pulley nave turn a pulley clockwise and repeatedly tighten a fastening bolt.
9. If the gear belt of the drive is reused, paint or chalk note the direction of its rotation. Take off a belt from pulleys.

After removal of a belt rotation of the crankshaft is not allowed.

10. Check a gear belt for existence of uneven wear, stratification or pollution by oil. Pay special attention to a state at the basis of teeths of a belt. If the engine is exposed to capital repairs, after the belt run more, than 60000 km, replace a belt irrespective of its state. If on a belt oil traces are found, it is necessary to find a source of leak of oil and to eliminate it.
Models of the engine with a capacity of 1.8 and 2.0 liters
11. Disconnect the negative plug from the accumulator.
12. Turning the crankshaft, combine adjusting openings on pulleys of a cam-shaft and the crankshaft and record pulleys cores.
13. Remove the top external and lower casings of a gear belt.
14. For free access to a gear belt, if necessary, switch-off electric sockets and remove a plait of wires from clips and supports. At shutdown of sockets surely mark them for the correct installation on the former place.
15. Support the engine by a jack and remove the right support of the engine.
16. Weaken a bolt of fastening of a pulley of the mechanism of a tension of a back branch of a gear belt of the drive and turn a pulley clockwise, using the corresponding key of square section established in a pulley nave. Then repeatedly tighten a fastening bolt.
17. Check that cores of fixing of pulleys of camshafts are in the place, then remove and check a condition of a gear belt.


Models of the engine with a capacity of 1.6 liters
1. Check and clear pulleys of the drive of a gear belt. Also check a state and freedom of rotation of a pulley of the mechanism of a tension.
2. Check existence of cores of fixing of a cam-shaft. Temporarily install a pulley on the crankshaft and insert into it an installation core to check position of the crankshaft.
3. Remove a pulley from the crankshaft. Establish a gear belt, observing the direction of its rotation. At installation of a belt provide the maximum tension of a forward branch of a belt, sagging of a belt has to be on a back branch. Check that teeths of a gear belt correctly were established on pulleys.
4. Temporarily establish a pulley of an auxiliary driving belt and moderately tighten a fastening bolt. Then establish a fixing core.

The tension of a gear belt is made at the removed casing.

5. Weaken a bolt of fastening of a pulley of the mechanism of a tension. Using a key of square section, turn a pulley counterclockwise to a belt tension.
6. In the presence of the special measuring equipment install it on a forward branch of a gear belt and establish an initial tension of a belt, equal 30±2 units.
7. Remove adjusting cores and turn the crankshaft on two whole revolutions clockwise. Repeatedly establish the fixing cores. If cores were inserted easily, the mechanism of the drive of gas distribution means it is installed correctly. Remove blocking cores.
8. If cores of fixing of pulleys are not established in an opening, it is necessary to take off a belt and to make combination of adjusting openings.
9. If the tension of a belt is made without special tool, it is possible to check a belt tension, having made moderate effort of a big forefinger in the middle of a forward branch of a belt and having turned a belt on 90 °. If the tension of a belt is made without this tool, then it is not necessary to make trips on long distances and to operate the engine on high turns. At the first opportunity adjust a belt tension at the Peugeot station.
10. When using special measuring tools turn the crankshaft on two turns, establish a core of blocking of the crankshaft and check a tension of a forward branch of a belt which has to make 44±2 units.
11. After an exact tension of a belt remove a core of blocking of a cam-shaft, then remove a pulley of an auxiliary driving belt from the crankshaft and establish casings.
12. Install a pulley of an auxiliary belt on the crankshaft, grease bolt carvings with means against unscrewing and screw up a bolt of fastening of a pulley.
13. Install the mechanism of a tension of an auxiliary driving belt and pull an auxiliary driving belt.
14. Establish a mudguard and a forward right wheel. Lower the car.
15. Connect the negative plug to the accumulator.
Models of the engine with a capacity of 1.8 and 2.0 liters
16. Check and clear pulleys of the drive of a gear belt. Also check a state and freedom of rotation of a pulley of the mechanism of a tension.
17. Check that the adjusting core is in a cam-shaft pulley. Temporarily establish a pulley of the crankshaft and insert into it the blocking core that guarantees correctness of installation of the crankshaft.
18. Remove a crankshaft pulley. Establish a gear belt on a crankshaft pulley, observing the direction of its rotation.
19. Install the lower casing of a belt and a pulley of an auxiliary belt on the crankshaft.
20. Establish a blocking core in a crankshaft pulley.
21. Without deleting blocking cores, weaken six bolts of fastening of pulleys of camshafts. Check that both pulleys were freely turned in small limits.
22. Tighten six bolts of fastening of pulleys of cam-shafts. Then turn off them on 60 ° everyone.
23. Turn each pulley clockwise and tighten additional bolts.
24. Pull a forward branch of a gear belt from a crankshaft pulley, through a single pulley and on a pulley of a cam-shaft of the managing director of inlet valves.
25. Pulling a forward branch of a belt, establish it on a pulley of the cam-shaft operating final valves.
26. Pulling a belt, establish it on a back pulley of the mechanism of a tension and around a cooling system pump pulley.
27. Make a tension of a gear belt.
28. In the presence of the special measuring equipment, install it on a forward branch of a gear belt. Turning a tension mechanism pulley counterclockwise, establish a belt tension, to equal 45 units, and tighten a bolt of fastening of the mechanism of a tension.
29. Unscrew fastening bolts from pulleys of cam-shafts and check that openings under bolts in pulleys are not in extreme situation in relation to fastening bolts. If everything is satisfactory, unscrew two additional bolts and tighten six bolts of fastening of pulleys.
30. Remove adjusting cores, turn the crankshaft clockwise on two whole revolutions and establish an installation core in a crankshaft pulley. Weaken six bolts of fastening of cam-shafts, repeatedly tighten them and unscrew on 60 °.
31. Establish adjusting cores in pulleys of cam-shafts. Then weaken a bolt of fastening of a pulley of the mechanism of a tension. Install the measuring equipment on a forward branch of a belt and turn a tension mechanism pulley before installation of a preliminary tension of a belt equal to 26 units. Tighten a bolt of fastening of the mechanism of a tension.
32. Repeatedly tighten six bolts of fastening of pulleys of cam-shafts by the required effort.
33. Remove blocking cores, turn the crankshaft clockwise on two whole revolutions and establish the blocking core in a crankshaft pulley.
34. Weaken six bolts of fastening of cam-shafts, repeatedly tighten them and unscrew on 60 °.
35. Establish adjusting cores in pulleys of cam-shafts. Then weaken a bolt of fastening of a pulley of the mechanism of a tension. Install the measuring equipment on a forward branch of a belt and turn a tension mechanism pulley before installation of a final tension of a belt, equal 32–40 units. Tighten a bolt of fastening of the mechanism of a tension.
36. Repeatedly tighten six bolts of fastening of pulleys of cam-shafts by the required effort.
37. If the tension of a belt is made without special measuring equipment, turn a belt tension mechanism pulley counterclockwise before elimination of sagging of a back branch of a belt and, in this situation, tighten a bolt of fastening of a pulley of the mechanism of a tension.
38. Unscrew fastening bolts from pulleys of cam-shafts and check that openings under bolts in pulleys are not in extreme situation in relation to fastening bolts. If everything is satisfactory, unscrew two additional bolts and tighten six bolts of fastening of pulleys.
39. Remove adjusting cores, turn the crankshaft clockwise on two whole revolutions and establish an installation core in a crankshaft pulley.
40. Weaken six bolts of fastening of cam-shafts, repeatedly tighten them and unscrew on 60 °.
41. Establish adjusting cores in pulleys of cam-shafts. Turn a tension mechanism pulley that, putting moderate effort, it was possible to turn a belt on 45 ° in a middle part between pulleys of the cam-shaft operating inlet valves and a single pulley and tighten a bolt of fastening of the mechanism of a tension.
42. Repeatedly tighten six bolts of fastening of pulleys of cam-shafts by the required effort.
43. Establish casings of a gear belt and connect the negative plug to the accumulator.