Peugeot 406

since 1996 release

Repair and operation of the car

Peugeot 406
+ 1. Maintenance instruction
+ 2. Maintenance
- 3. Engine
   - 3.1. Petrol engines
      3.1.1. Technical data
      3.1.2. Check of pressure of compression
      3.1.3. Installation of the mechanism of gas distribution
      3.1.4. Cover of a head of the block of cylinders
      3.1.5. Pulley of a bent shaft
      3.1.6. Casing of a gear belt
      3.1.7. Gear belt
      3.1.8. Mechanism of a tension of a gear belt and pulleys
      3.1.9. Replacement of a sealing ring of a cam-shaft
      3.1.10. Cam-shaft and pushers
      3.1.11. Check and adjustment of gaps of valves of engines 1.6 liters
      3.1.12. Head of the block of cylinders
      3.1.13. Oil pallet
      3.1.14. Oil pump
      3.1.15. Oil heater
      3.1.16. Replacement of consolidations of a bent shaft
      3.1.17. Flywheel
      3.1.18. Suspension bracket of the power unit
   + 3.2. Diesel engines
   + 3.3. Repair of the engine
+ 4. Cooling systems, heating and ventilation
+ 5. Fuel system
+ 6. System of ignition
+ 7. Coupling
+ 8. Transmissions
+ 9. Power shafts
+ 10. Brake system
+ 11. Suspension bracket and steering
+ 12. Body
+ 13. Electric equipment
+ 14. Main malfunctions


3.1.12. Head of the block of cylinders


Sequence of tightening of bolts of a head of the block of cylinders


1. Disconnect the negative plug from the accumulator.
2. Merge cooling liquid.
3. Install the gas distribution mechanism drive before combination of adjusting openings and block it in this situation cores.
Models of engines 1.6 liters
4. Uncover a head of the block of cylinders.
5. Remove the case of the air filter.
6. Further the description of removal of a head of the block of cylinders from the engine without removal from a head of inlet and final collectors follows. Disconnect a reception exhaust pipe from a final collector. In the presence a lambda probe remove from it the electric socket.
7. Perform the following operations:
      – depressurize fuel system and remove hoses of supply of fuel and returnable hoses. Muffle the ends of hoses traffic jams;
      – remove an accelerator cable;
      – disconnect electric sockets from the case of throttles;
      – remove electric sockets from fuel nozzles and exempt a braid of wires from a collector.
8. Weaken collars and remove hoses of a supply of cooling liquid from the thermostat case (on the left forward side of a head of the block of cylinders).
9. Release brackets of fastening and remove electric sockets from sensors which are screwed in in the case of the thermostat or on the left side of a head of the block of cylinders.
10. Unscrew a bolt of fastening of a pipe of the probe for measurement of level of engine oil from the left forward side of a head and remove a pipe.
11. Remove the socket from the ignition coil. If the head is removed for carrying out capital repairs, remove the coil of ignition and high-voltage wires. If necessary mark high-voltage wires for their correct repeated installation.
12. Release the mechanism of a tension of a gear belt and take off a gear belt from a cam-shaft pulley.
Models of engines 1.8 and 2.0 of liter
13. Remove knot of the air filter and system of inlet pipes.
14. Uncover a head of the block of cylinders.
15. Remove an inlet collector.
16. Remove a reception exhaust pipe from a final collector. In the presence a lambda probe remove from it the electric socket.
17. Remove a radiator branch pipe.
18. Remove all remained hoses and electric sockets from a head of the block of cylinders.
19. Release the mechanism of a tension of a gear belt and take off a gear belt from pulleys of camshafts.
All models
20. Gradually and evenly unscrew bolts of fastening of a head of the block of cylinders in the return sequence, on the relation shown on rice. Sequence of tightening of bolts of a head of the block of cylinders. Remove bolts, noting the correct location of the laying oriented on a forward left bolt on models 1.6 liters.
21. After extraction of bolts of a head of the block of cylinders, it is necessary to separate a head of the block of cylinders from the engine. At the same time laying of a head can be damaged. On engines with removable sleeves of cylinders the sleeve of the cylinder can be extended by laying therefore tightness of installation of sleeves can be broken and there will be a leak of cooling liquid through this leakage.
22. For removal of a head of the block of cylinders use two metal cores from the ends bent at right angle which are established in openings for bolts of fastening of a head of the block of cylinders and smoothly shake a head to a car pered. It is impossible to turn a head in other direction since a back part of a head is established on the directing pins.
23. After destruction of laying or separation of a head from laying remove a head of the block of cylinders. Remove laying of a head from the block of cylinders of the engine. If the directing pins are installed in the block of cylinders on free landing, remove them and you store together with a head.
24. On engines with replaceable sleeves of cylinders it is impossible to turn the crankshaft with the removed head, otherwise sleeves of cylinders can be put forward from the nests up. In need of a crankshaft provorachivaniye (for cleaning of pistons) sleeves of cylinders have to be recorded in a starting position. In the absence of special clips of sleeves of a sleeve it is possible to record, having screwed in bolts with big washers in the block of cylinders, as shown in the drawing.
25. If the head of the block of the cylinder is removed for capital repairs, remove a cam-shaft.

Preparation for installation

1. The interfaced surfaces of a head and the block of cylinders of the engine need to be cleared carefully of the remains of laying and a deposit, using a plastic or wooden scraper. It is also necessary to clear the top parts of pistons. When cleaning exclude a possibility of hit of products of cleaning to oil canals of the cooling system. Carefully clear the internal surfaces of cylinders.
2. Check the surfaces of interface of a head and the block of cylinders of the engine for existence of defects. Insignificant damages are eliminated with machining. Also, using a metal ruler and the probe, check planeness of a prileganiye of surfaces.
3. On engines with separate sleeves of cylinders check the size of a vystupaniye of sleeves from the block of cylinders of the engine.
4. At installation of new laying it is necessary to choose laying of the corresponding thickness. On some models laying of a head only of one thickness is used. However, on other models there is laying of two various thickness – standard laying which is established at manufacturer, and reinforced laying (+0,2 mm) which is used with a repolished head of the block of cylinders. If a head of a pereshlifovan, it is marked by the letter "R" which is beaten out about the third inlet channel. Laying has to have also the marking of "R" printed from the top party of laying opposite to the third cylinder. Laying can be also identified on tags on the left forward side of laying.
5. Standard laying 1,2 mm thick is designated by one opening, beaten out on the left forward end of laying, and reinforced laying (1,4 mm) is designated by two or three openings which are beaten out in the same place.
6. Check a condition of bolts of fastening of a head of the block of cylinders and, especially, their carving. Measure length of each bolt (without washer) from the lower party of a head of a bolt until the end of a bolt. If length of bolts is less than 176,5 mm (on models of engines 1.6 liters) or less than 60 mm (on engines 1.8 liters) or less than 112 mm (on engines 2.0 liters), they can be reused. However if length of any bolt exceeds specified, it is necessary to replace all bolts in a set.


1. Wipe the surfaces of interface of a head and the block of cylinders and install two directing cores in the block of cylinders of the engine. If were used, remove clips of fastening of sleeves of cylinders.
2. Install new laying on the block of cylinders so that tags of identification were in the left end of laying.
Models of engines 1.6 liters
3. Check that pulleys of the crankshaft and a cam-shaft are recorded by adjusting cores. Install a head on the block of cylinders on the directing pins.
4. Grease a carving part of bolts and the lower part of a head of a bolt with means of Molykote G Rapid Plus.
5. Establish bolts with washers in a head of the block of cylinders and, evenly and gradually, in a certain sequence, tighten bolts (see rice. Sequence of tightening of bolts of a head of the block of cylinders).
6. After tightening of bolts weaken them in the sequence, the return to tightening, and repeatedly tighten them in a certain sequence the required moment.
7. Tighten all bolts on a corner 300 ° in a certain sequence.
8. Connect the ignition coil.
9. Establish a gear belt of the drive on a cam-shaft pulley. Establish an engine mount to a head of the block of cylinders.
10. Adjust a belt tension.
11. Execute the remained operations on installation of a head of the block of cylinders in the sequence, the return to removal, observing the following provisions:
      – correctly connect the removed electric sockets;
      – correctly connect hoses of cooling liquid and reliably tighten them collars;
      – check correctness of connection of vacuum and ventilating hoses;
      – establish a cover of a head of the block of cylinders;
      – connect a reception exhaust pipe to a collector, install the air filter and a cable of an accelerator;
      – fill in cooling liquid in the cooling system and connect a negative wire of weight to the accumulator.
Models of engines 1.8 and 2.0 of liter
12. Check that pulleys of the crankshaft and a cam-shaft are recorded by adjusting cores. Install a head on the block of cylinders on the directing pins. Grease a carving part of bolts and the lower part of a head of a bolt with means of Molykote G Rapid Plus. Establish bolts with washers in a head of the block of cylinders and, evenly and gradually, in a certain sequence, tighten them (see rice. Sequence of tightening of bolts of a head of the block of cylinders).
13. After tightening of bolts weaken them in the sequence, the return to tightening, and repeatedly tighten them in a certain sequence the required moment. Tighten all bolts on a corner 300 ° (the 1.8 liters engines) or on a corner 160 ° (the 2.0 liters engines) in a certain sequence.
14. Establish a gear belt on a pulley of a cam-shaft and adjust its tension.
15. Execute other operations in the sequence, the return to removal, considering recommendations for the 1.6 liters engines.